£42750+350 and if the second number is less than the allowed discount, the actual lower value is returned - in this case the £500 or £1000 becomes £350. Is there away to get it to calculate it instead of just showing the text message?Try the following:For example, I want to put an equation for work hours and pay. AND returns either TRUE or FALSE. Real estate can potentially earn you more money than the stock market. The latest recommendation announced Monday by the federal government to promote social distancing and limit the transmission of the coronavirus: no more than 10 people in one place. Could you help?At the moment, I've got this:This will evaluate the first 10 rows of data in your spreadsheet. Can you help me please? Thanks.
Over the long term, investing in the stock market will earn you an average annual return of 7%, adjusted for inflation, according to a number of studies.

No/not more than definition is - a stated number or fewer. So the formula should return either £500 or £1000 in the cell but the £43000 is made up of two numbers, say for e.g.

Otherwise, it will return the lower value of A2 and 500.Any idea how to create this function?For example in cell C2, you can use the IF function and the This will return the correct value of 400 for a value of 318 in cell B2. Federal health officials estimated in early April that more than 300,000 Americans could die from COVID-19 if all social distancing measures are abandoned, and later estimates pushed the possible death toll even higher, according to documents obtained by … You may need to adjust the ranges accordingly.I notice that you separate your parameters with semi-colons, so you might need to replace the commas in the formula above with semi-colons.If F3 is "H" and E3 is "H", return 1Appreciate if you can help.We've defaulted the formula to return a blank if none of the conditions above are met.Next, you need to change the ELSE condition of your IF function to return "Complete".You should be able to modify your formula as follows:Now if any of the cell J2, M2, R2, AA2, or AB2 are blank, the formula will return "Not Complete". Prices are subject to change without notice. Otherwise, the formula will return N. You will also notice that we switched the order of your conditions in the formula so that it is easier to understand the formula based on your instructions above.Here is what I need the formula to do:IF C6 IS >=0 OR <=150 THEN ASSIGN $150000IF C6 IS >=151 OR <=160 THEN ASSIGN $158400Notice that we first use the Any help would be greatly appreciated.If E5="N", the first nested IF function will be executed:Otherwise,the second nested IF function will be executed:There is a maximum discount allowed of £1000 if the capital sum is less that £43000 and a lower discount of £500 if the capital sum is above £43000.

I have 3 columns that are needed based on the type of sale.

I need help setting up this formula so that when the 3 columns are left blank, the cell with the formula is left blank as well.In this formula, we are using the ISBLANK function to check if all 3 cells A1, B1, and C1 are blank, and if they are return a blank value (""). IF the outcome is zero, I would like the BAC (Budget At Completion), currently recorded in another cell (L24), to be repopulated in the current cell as the EAC.However say if kmh was selected B1 literally just shows A1*3.6 and does not actually calculate it. To be safe, right click on the cell that contains the formula and choose A customer is eligible for a discount if the customer's Here is the formula I've entered:I only have 2 cells wrong. IF I am paid more than I should be, I want it to read how many hours I owe my boss. The Excel AND function is a logical function used to require more than one condition at the same time. £42000+750 returns £750. MORE THAN is a trading name of Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc, which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register No. If you have any questions or requests, please contact us at 727-317-5800.This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Please help me fix this.Please note that if none of the conditions are met, the Excel formula will return "" as the result.Please note that if none of the conditions are met, the Excel formula will return "" as the result.I want to make an event that if B9 and C9 is empty, the value would be empty. Answer: You can write a …
Only one column per row will be needed.

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